Potassium had the greatest leap of electrons.The amount of energy emitted corresponds with wavelength, determining the color of the flame. The movement of the electrons is due to a change in energy because of the reaction of the elements and the fire.Lithium emmited the least energy because according to the electromagnetic spectrum, dark reds, oranges, and yellows have a high wavelength, but low energy, and Lithium nitrate burned a dark red.In the same manner, shorter the wavelength, higher will be the frequency of the light. Potassium emmited the most energy because according to the electromagnetic spectrum, dark greens, blues, and purples have a low wavelength, but high energy, and Potassium nitrate burned a pinkish purple color. Since wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency, we can understand that, longer the wavelength of the light, lower is the frequency.The element in the compound responsible for the color of the flames is the element that bonded with the nitrate.relatively inexpensive when compared to technologies such as lithium-ion. finally we use Ehv to calculate the energy. wavelengths longer than the cut-off wavelength cannot move electrons to the. now we find the wavelength using formula and get.

72 The effect of the quaternary alloy was to reduce the valence band offset relative to lattice matched GaAs. The frequency (v) of the microwave radiation is given and once convert to Hz get the following. MSLS and RCLS crystals has more compared to that of undoped lithium sulfate monohydrate crystal and the values of cut-off wavelength of the samples are the. In 0.29 As 0.39 P 0.61 QWIP was grown by LP-MOCVD with 50 periods of 30 wide GaAs quantum wells separated by 280 wide GaInAsP (Eg 1.8 eV at T 300 K) barriers. Find the frequency corresponding to the cutoff wavelength. We decided that unknown 2 appeared to be the barium nitrate because both the barium nitrate and unknown 2 burned a yellow, green color and had a slight brown tint to the flame, and they both had about 480 to 550 nanometer wavelength. To increase the cut-off wavelength, a lattice-matched GaAs/Ga 0.71. on a potassium surface, electrons having a maximum kinetic energy of 1.31 eV are emitted.