#3do game guru code
The Code Library also allows you to import cheat codes created by other Game Guru users - there are additional codes available on 3DO's web page and on the Official Unofficial Game Guru web page. The list of codes is somewhat incomplete, encompassing many older games but not newer releases (for example, cheats for Descent are included, but nothing for Descent II). However, because these codes do modify game files in ways not intended by the developers, users should be cautious using them. The codes provided by Studio 3DO are reliable - they do what they say they will, and I never had problems with a game becoming damaged to the point that it was unplayable. Game Guru codes hack into the game files (usually the save game files, but in some cases the actual program files for the game) and change attributes in ways that the game programmers never intended. These codes are not the type put in by the game programmers they were generated by Studio 3DO using the Code Generation tools described below. The Code Library provides cheats you can't find elsewhere.
#3do game guru generator
The Code Library and Code Generator are the core of Game Guru. You can edit the text file containing the cheats and add those that are missing, but the whole idea of the Knowledge Base is to make it so you don't have to track down the codes yourself.
#3do game guru manual
In several cases, the listing of cheat codes provided in the manual for the game was more complete than _Game Guru's) list. For most games there are only a few cheat codes listed, and often the best cheats for a game are not included. Unfortunately, the database included with Game Guru is woefully incomplete. The idea behind the Knowledge Base is to make it easy to find the cheat codes without having to search all over for them. You've probably seen listings of cheat codes on the web and in various magazines.

The Knowledge Base is a database of cheat codes already built into games. The interface throughout all three modules is consistent and easy to us, and Game Guru is much more intuitive than other cheat utilities. There are three sections in Game Guru: the Knowledge Base, the Code Library, and the Code Generator. While this PC version is markedly different from the 3DO version, it still gives you the power to expand the capabilities of your games - in other words, Game Guru helps you cheat. Game Guru was originally released for the 3DO game system. With Game Guru you can rewrite the rules of the game. Access secret levels or play scenarios/levels out of order. Think you've exhausted the fun of your favorite game? Can't get past that difficult level? Game Guru lets you get more of what you play for: more lives, more weapons, more armor, more power. Game Guru PC: The Game Enhancer is designed to unlock the hidden potential in your games.